Management Information System
Management Information System
Overall information system not only contained in management information systems, because not all information in the organization can be incorporated into a fully automated system. Key aspects of information systems will always exist outside the computer system.
In the business development of sophisticated management information system with computer-based needs of people who have high skill and long experience and requires the participation of the managers of the organization. Since many organizations fail to develop management information systems due to:
First, the lack of proper organization
Second, the lack of adequate planning
Third, the lack of skilled personnel
Fourth, lack of management participation in the form of participation of managers in designing the system, control system development efforts and motivate all personnel involved.
Good management information system is a management information system capable of balancing costs and benefits to be gained means that the SIM will save costs, increase revenue and immeasurable arising from the information very useful.
Organizations need to realize when they are quite realistic in their desires, meticulous in designing and implementing the SIM and the natural desire to fit in determining the cost limit from the point of the potential benefits, then the resulting SIM will provide benefits and money.
In a computer management information systems is not an absolute prerequisite in theory, but in practice good manajemenyang information system would not exist without the help of computer processing capability. The main principle of the design of management information systems: Information systems are carefully woven manajemenharus to be able to serve the primary task.
Management information system aims to meet the needs of the general information of all managers in the company or within organizational subunits company.Manajemenmenyediakan information system for user information in the form of reports and output from various simulation models of mathematics.
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